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4th Arab Water Week
Dead Sea, Jordan

19 Mar. 2017 - 23 Mar. 2017

About the Arab Water Week

The Arab Water Week (AWW) is an international meeting in the Arab region which tackles water management issues through establishing innovative partnerships and platforms of collaborative work on water issues in the region. The importance of this meeting lies in providing a platform for greater coordination among the existing network of key stakeholders active in the water sector in the region. The Arab Water Week (AWW) does not only provide an opportunity to enhance communication flows, synergies and the sharing of successful experiences, but as well, it will facilitate the creation of new partnerships that complement and maximize the impact of on-going work in this sector for the benefit of all countries in the region.

Further Description / Program

4th Arab Water Week, 19 - 23 March 2017
Kempinski Hotel Ishtar, Dead Sea, Jordan


Water is increasingly becoming a binding constraint on Arab development. According to the Arab Development Challenges Reports by UNDP; available renewable fresh water resources per capita in the Arab world are among the lowest worldwide. Threatening levels of water stress exist in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Yemen, while significant stress exists in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. And since it is not yet possible to measure water quality globally, dimensions of safety, reliability and sustainability are not reflected in the proxy indicator used to track progress towards the MDG target. Continued efforts are required to promote global monitoring of drinking water safety, reliability and sustainability and to move beyond the MDG water target to universal coverage. Here comes the role of ACWUA, ACWUA as a global center of excellence has served as a regional platform for international exchange of knowledge to provide best practices and capacity building to staff utility members, experts and professionals.

ACWUA is the strategic partner of international conferences and trade fairs, and is partnering with the international water organizations and water centers around the world to implement different projects that serve the water sector in the Arab countries. Moreover ACWUA’s activities are recognized by the Arab Ministerial Water Council / League of Arab States. Under the umbrella of the League of Arab States (LAS) and in partnership with the Arab Ministerial Water Council (AMWC) and the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) is organizing the 4th Arab Water Week in March 2017.

About the Arab Water Week

The Arab Water Week (AWW) is an international meeting in the Arab region which tackles water management issues through establishing innovative partnerships and platforms of collaborative work on water issues in the region. The importance of this meeting lies in providing a platform for greater coordination among the existing network of key stakeholders active in the water sector in the region. The Arab Water Week (AWW) does not only provide an opportunity to enhance communication flows, synergies and the sharing of successful experiences, but as well, it will facilitate the creation of new partnerships that complement and maximize the impact of on-going work in this sector for the benefit of all countries in the region.

What is the Arab Water Week?

The Arab Water Week is a high-profile international and regional event promoted to attract decision makers and water management practitioners and professional organizations internationally and in the MENA region. It was firstly launched in Amman, Jordan in December 2010, and organized by the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) in partnership with the Arab Ministerial Water Council (AMWC) and the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI).

Why to attend the Arab Water Week?

The Arab Water Week is an important and distinctive opportunity for the water and wastewater management community in the Arab world and MENA region, it is the place where professionals, water management experts, private sector, and institutions of all types meet to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences, discuss problems and get exposed to the state of the art of new technologies and solutions.

The 4th Arab Water Week will provide a broad technical presentations and a policy-based program, along with a specialized exhibition (The 4th Arab Water Trade Fair) targeting water supply and wastewater vendor’s and other service providers in the water sector.

Who will attend?

ACWUA expects more than 400 participants and delegations to attend the 4th Arab Water Week in Dead Sea Area. Many will be coming from ACWUA membership comprising of more than 500 individual members, and more than 106 water and wastewater utilities from 18 Arab Countries; Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. The Arab Water Week is also aimed at senior decision makers from public and private water and waste water utilities/water supply companies, water ministries & authorities, environmental agencies & ministries, municipalities, utility operators, private sector companies and consultants and educational institutions internationally and across the region.

4th Arab Water Week
Featuring the Arab Water Week richness of content, diversity of participants and the variety of activities

The agenda of the Arab Water Week will be comprised of multiple tracks going in parallel. This gives more options to participants to choose the sessions they would like to attend based on their area of interest. The presentations of the AWW are interspersed with discussions, exchange of knowledge, introduction to new solutions and technologies, and exposure to projects and experiences implemented in the region, for the aim of adopting and disseminating of best practices in the region.
Developing new partnerships and signing agreements

The AWW is considered a golden opportunity for ACWUA to sign new agreements and building new partnerships with the international organizations.

Invitation to all members to attend the 5th General Assembly

Elections will be held to select the members of the new Board of Directors for the years (2017-2019).
AWW Trade fair

More than 35 exhibitors will be showing their state-of-the-art technology to more than 400 participants coming from the region and the World. The 4th Arab Water Week is distinguished for hosting the water experts and professionals from diverse countries and organizations by providing special sessions and having joint booths/stands (in the exhibition area) for the different partners.

In previous versions of the AWW; special sessions, activities and meetings were organized in cooperation with:

The Arab Ministerial Water Council/League of Arab States
Ministry of Water & Irrigation
German Water Partnership
GIZ: German International Cooperation
IFAT trade fair for water and environment
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)
SIWI: Swedish International Water Institute
MENA NWC: Middle East Network of Water Centers of Excellence
The European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD)
The International Water Association (IWA)
The African Water Association (AfWA)
The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA)
Community based organizations like: the Omani Water Society, Water Sciences & Technology Association (WSTA, Bahrain), Union Council for (Union of Water Service Providers, Palestine)
IWRM Master of Science program implemented by Cologne University of Applied Sciences and University of Jordan

Conference Venue

The 4th Arab Water Week will take place in the Kempinski Hotel Ishtar, Dead Sea, Jordan.

This stunning conference center is uniquely located at the lowest point on earth on the shores of the Dead Sea in Jordan. The Kempinski Hotel Ishtar is situated among famous attractions such as Mount Nebo, the Baptism site, Madaba and the Mujib Nature Reserve.
Exhibitors at previous editions of the Arab Water Week are:

Chemonics International
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
German Water Partnership (GWP)
Wilo SE
Dorsch Gruppe International Consultants
Duktus Pipe Systems FZCO
Halma Water Management
Passavant-Gieger GmbH
Hamburgb Wasser / Consulaqua
Technische Universität Berlin
Jäger Umwelt-Technik GmbH & Co.KG
p2m berlin Gmbh
Helmholtz Center for Environment Research - UFZ
Smart Water Metering
WAKILEH contracting
Aqaba Water Company
Jordan Water Company - Miyahuna
Arabtech Jardaneh
AKATED TSITT: Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies
REETAJ Technology & Technical Services
Engicon O&M
RSA Electronics

More information about the Arab Water Week follow the link below:

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