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11th SuSanA meeting, Rio de Janeiro

March 2010 | Brazil

The 11th SuSanA meeting was held in Rio de Janeiro from 19 to 21 March 2010. The meeting was hosted by the UN Habitat, ABES/AIDIS, SEI and GTZ. SuSanA - UN HABITAT Dialogue at World Urban Forum - 5 (23 March) was organised to discuss the key issues in urban management related to solid and liquid waste and how they impact cities and towns.

Impression of the meeting

The eleventh SuSanA meeting took place in Rio de Janeiro between 19 and 21 March 2010. A short summary of the activities of each day are presented here.

Day 1 (Friday): Presentations from various projects from the Latin American region.
Day 2 (Saturday): Along with the working group meetings, the main SuSanA meeting in a joint plenary took place. Besides an overview on the SuSanA products (vision documents, Fact sheets, etc.), the working groups presented the progress so far.
Day 3 (Sunday): Further working groups presentations followed by discussion on the current state, future steps of the SuSanA alliance and the plans of the next meeting in 2011.
SuSanA - UN HABITAT Dialogue at WUF-5 (23 March) The session discussed key issues in urban management related to solid and liquid waste and how they impact cities and towns.

Minutes, evaluation and agenda of the meeting

Agenda of the 11th SuSanA meeting
Agenda for  SuSanA - UN HABITAT Dialogue at World Urban Forum-5
Minutes of meeting WG 03: Renewable Energies (Chair: Marcos Teixeira and Mateo Sotomayor)
Minutes of the 11th SuSanA meeting


Note: This list of presentations is not yet complete and there is more to come in the near future. The presentation were delivered in English, Spanish or Portuguese and then translated to the audience to the respective other language.

Day 1 (19 March)

Introduction to the Learning Session

Madeleine Fogde, SEI and Paula Loureiro Paulo, UFMS

Capacity Development on Sustainable Sanitation in the Andes (Spanish)
Betty Soto, Water for People, Bolivia

Knowledge Sharing through Networks in Central America - Harmonisation of Regional Indicators
Humberto Puerto, RASCA, Honduras

Experiences of Ecological Sanitation in Brazil
Ricardo Franci, Univ. Fed. Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil

Experiences of Constructed Wetlands in Brazil
Christoph Platzer, Rotaria, Brazil

Condominial Systems in Brazil (English)
Klaus Dieter Neder, CAESB, Brazil

Ecological Sanitation and Health (Spanish)
Graciella Sanguinetti, Universidade Nacional de Rosario , Argentina

Reuse of Nutrients and Permaculture (Portuguese)
Adriana Galbiati, IPCP, Brazil

Dry Sanitation and Informal Experiences in Brazil (Portuguese)
Miriam Barros Teixeira, UGB, Brazil

Marketing of Sanitation (Spanish)
Malva Baskovich, WSP, Peru

Integration of Solid Waste in the Concept of Sustainable Sanitation
Jan Olly, UN-Habitat, Nicaragua

Can we speak about Sustainable Sanitation without Social Acceptance (English)
Ron Sawyer , Sarar, Mexico

How Can We Best Share and Learn about Sustainable Sanitation - What is the Role of SuSanA - Panel Discussion?
Madeleine Fogde, SEI and Paula Loureiro Paulo, UFMS

Welcome address by Graham Alabaster, UN Habitat

Day 2 (20 March)

Welcome address by Carlos Rosito, ABES

Introduction to SuSanA Agenda and vision document 1 (English)
Arne Panesar, GTZ

Intro Vision Document 2  (Portuguese)
Paula Loureiro Paulo, UFMS and Arno Rosemarin, SEI

World’s Longest Toilet Queue
>>click here to watch the video on youtube
Rahul Ingle and Laura Simon, GTZ

Working Group 1 Capacity Development for Sustainable Sanitation (First Presentation & Second Presentation - English)
Madeleine Fogde, SEI and Katharina Conradin, seecon

Working Group 2 Costs and Economics of Sustainable Sanitation (English)
Malva Rosa Baskovich, WSP

Working Group 3 Sustainable Sanitation, Renewable Energies, Groudwater Protection and Climate Change (English)
Marcos Teixeira and Mateo Sotomayor, GTZ

Working Group 4 Sanitation Systems, Technology Opitions, Hygiene and Health (English)
Arne Panesar, GTZ

Working Group 5 Food Security and Productive Sanitation Systems
Adriana Galbiati, IPCP

Working Group 6 Sustainable Sanitation for Cities and Planning (First Presentation - English & Second Presentation - English)
Helmut Lehn, ITAS and Rahul Ingle, GTZ

Day 3 (21 March)

Working Group 7 Community Rural and School Sanitation (English)
Maria Ines Matiz, UEB, Ronald Sawyer (Sarar)

Working Group 8 Sustainable Sanitation in Emergency and Reconstruction Situations (English)
Ronald Sawyer (Sarar)

Working Group 9 Sanitation as a Business (English)
Gustavo Heredia, Aguatuya

Working Group 11 Operation and Maintenance of Sustainable Sanitation (English)
Paula Loureiro Paulo, UFMS

Working Group 12 Gender and Sanitation (English)
Rahul Ingle, GTZ

Future Tasks (Promotion & Next SuSanA Meetings)


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