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13th SuSanA meeting, Kigali

July 2011 | Rwanda

The 13th SuSanA meeting was held in Kigali, Rwanda on 17-18 July 2011 (Sunday afternoon and Monday whole day) prior to the AfricaSan 3 which took place in Kigali, Rwanda from 19-21 July 2011. The meeting was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Health (Rwanda), UNICEF-Rwanda and the SuSanA secretariat.

The venue was the MUHABURA at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Kigali. We would like to warmly thank all presenters, participants and organisers for the stimulating and interesting event.

Impressions of the meeting (photos and video)

Video of the closing session of the 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda:

Stacey Noel (SEI, Tanzania)
Brenda Achiro, (NETWAS, Uganda)
Eugene Dusingizumuremyi (Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda)
Linus Dagerskog (SEI, Sweden)
Lucia Henry (CREPA, Burkina Faso)

Video: P. Feiereisen (GIZ, Germany)

Five further videos of presentations:

Introduction to the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance : Madeleine Fogde (SEI, Sweden)
Recent work of SuSanA secretariat in collaboration with SuSanA partners : Elisabeth von Muench (GIZ, Germany)
Recent studies on Menstrual Management for school girls in Zimbabwe : Annie Kanyemba (Aquamor, Zimbabwe)
Update on sustainable sanitation activities and the knowledge node in South Africa : Chris Buckley (UKZN, South Africa)
Getting everyone involved in sanitation and "Working together to make sanitation a business" : Jack Sim (WTO, Singapore)

Photos of the 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali. Slide show in a new window. Photos of the side events. Slide show in a new window. Photos of field trip 1. Slide show in a new window. Photos of field trip 2. Slide show in a new window.
 Meeting  SuSanA Side events
at AfricaSan 3
Field trip 1 UDDTs Field trip 2 Biogas

AfricaSan 3 field trips (includes map of the UDDT and biogas installations)

Minutes, evaluation and agenda of the meeting

Agenda of the 13th SuSanA meeting
Calendar de la 13ième réunion de SuSanA

Agenda Working group 1: Capacity development
Agenda Working group 5: Food security and productive sanitation systems
Agenda Working group 7: Community, rural and school sanitation

Article about the SuSanA meeting in Magazine "Africa Water & Sanitation", September 2011


Note: PDF file size is smaller than PPT file size.

Sunday, 17 July - Working group meetings

Working group 1 - Capacity development

About SuSanA and the WG 01 on Capacity and Development (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, seecon, Switzerland and Philipp Feiereisen, GIZ, Germany

World Youth Parliament: 2011 World Youth Leadership Summit (pdf) or (ppt)
Additional information about the 2011 World Youth Leadership Summit to be held in Nairobi, Kenya (pdf) and (agenda)
George Ouko, Peace for Peace Initiatives

Introduction to the new Global WASH Campaign "GDP for GDP" (pdf) or (ppt)
Saskia Castelein, WSSCC, Switzerland

How the media can give more visibility to the work of SuSanA and sanitation issues as a whole (pdf) or (ppt)
Babatope Babalobi, West Africa WASH Journalists Network, Nigeria

The new SuSanA discussion forum (pdf) or (ppt)
Philipp Feiereisen, GIZ, Germany

Sustainable Sanitation and water Management Toolbox (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, Seecon, Switzerland

Past and future activities / products for WG 01 (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, Seecon, Switzerland

Working group 2 - Costs and economics

This working group met but had no presentations

Working group 5 - Food security and productive sanitation systems

Introduction to SuSanA and WG 05 (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI. Sweden

Some WG 05 outputs (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI. Sweden

Safety of the use of EcoSan latrine products by communities: case of Burea District (pdf) or (ppt)
Ntakarutimana Amans, Kigali Health Institute, Rwanda

Ecological Sanitation: An introduction and the role it can play in increasing agricultural production
(pdf part 1) and (pdf part 2)
Annie Kanyemba, Aquamor, Zimbabwe

A business approach for improved sanitation in Ghana: organic fertilizer and energy as drivers (pdf) or (ppt)
Aart van den Beukel, SafriSan, Ghana

Total Nutrient Recovery (TNR) in Sanitation to Agriculture (pdf) or (ppt) as well as an updated presentation (pdf)
Richard Higgins, New Directions Foundation, United Kingdom

Agriculture as a driver for Sanitation CREPA's experiences in Burkina Faso (pdf) or (ppt)
Lucia Henry, CREPA, Burkina Faso

WG 5: Food security and related activities: update on activities in Durban, South Africa (pdf) or (ppt)
Chris Buckley, UKZN, South Africa

Quality of wastewater irrigated kales and conventionally rain fed vegetables in relation to faecal pathogen contamination (pdf) or (ppt)
Veronicah Kimani, Egerton University, Kenya

Future work of WG 05 (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI. Sweden

Working group 7 - Community, rural and school sanitation

Presentation of working group 7 meeting program and participants (pdf) or (ppt)
Madeleine Fogde, SEI, Sweden

School WASH in Tanzania: GIZ experience 2009 -2011 (pdf) or (ppt)
Nangula Heita-Mwampamba, GIZ, Tanzania

CLTS Progress and sustainability in PLAN Tanzania supported districts (pdf) or (ppt)
Francis Mtitu, PLAN, Tanzania

Sustainable school sanitation in Rwanda (pdf) or (ppt)
Guy Mbayo, UNICEF, Rwanda

Scalability of Sustainable Sanitation in peri-urban low income areas in Blantyre City (pdf) or (ppt)
Patrick Ulele Chikoti, CCODE, Malawi

Monday, 18 July - Session 1 (Introduction and overview)

Introduction to the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (pdf) or (ppt) or (video)
Madeleine Fogde, SEI, Sweden

Recent work of SuSanA secretariat in collaboration with SuSanA partners (pdf) or (ppt) or (video)
Elisabeth von Muench, GIZ, Germany

SuSanA's social media tools (pdf) or (ppt)
Philipp Feiereisen, GIZ, Germany

Monday, 18 July - Session 2 (Working group updates, Part A)

Working group 5 - Food security and productive sanitation systems
Working group update and presentation of "Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production" (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI, Sweden

Working group 6 - Sustainable sanitation for cities and planning
Working group update (pdf) or (ppt)
Patrick Onyango, GIZ, Kenya

Experiences in Kenya for financing sanitation for the urban poor (pdf) or (ppt)
Patrick Onyango, GIZ, Kenya

Burkina Faso: initiatives pour accélérer l'accès à l'assainissement familial (in French) (pdf) or (ppt)
Joséphine Ouédraogo, DGAEUE, Burkina Faso

Working group 7 - Community, rural and school sanitation
Working group update (pdf) or (ppt)
Annie Kanyemba, Aquamor, Zimbabwe

Recent studies on Menstrual Management for school girls in Zimbabwe (pdf) or (ppt) or (video)
Annie Kanyemba, Aquamor, Zimbabwe

Monday, 18 July - Session 3 (Working group updates, Part B)

Working group 8 - Sustainable sanitation in emergency and reconstruction situations
Working group update (pdf) or (ppt)
Emery Sindani, SuSan Design, Kenya

Unisex Urinal usability testing (pdf)
Emery Sindani, SuSan Design, Kenya

Working group 11 - Groundwater protection
Working group update and feedback on the workshop "Groundwater Protection and its link to Sustainable Sanitation and Town Planning" held in Lusaka in February 2011 (pdf) or (ppt)
Vanessa Vaessen, BGR, Germany and John Mafuta Kamanga, Lusaka City Council, Zambia

Working group 1 - Capacity development for sustainable sanitation
Working group update (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, Seecon, Switzerland

Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, seecon, Switzerland

Ecosanres Uganda node (pdf) or (ppt)
Brenda Achiro, NETWAS, Uganda

Working group 2 - Costs and economics of sustainable sanitation
Working group update (pdf) or (ppt)
Steffen Blume, GIZ, Zambia

Financing sanitation in low-income areas: What do we need for successful implementation? (pdf) or (ppt)
Alexander Grieb, KfW, Germany

Devolution Trust Fund Zambia: Lessons from financing urban sanitation in Zambia (pdf) or (ppt)
Sam Gonga, NWASCO / DTF, Zambia

Monday, 18 July - Session 4 (Working group updates, Part C and strategic discussions)

Working group 4 - Sanitation systems, technology options, hygiene and health
Working group update and overview of new Health Compendium (pdf) or (ppt)
Nelson Ekane, SEI, Sweden

Update on sustainable sanitation activities in Durban, South Africa (pdf) or (ppt) or (video)
Chris Buckley, UKZN, South Africa

Update on progress of sustainable sanitation knowledge node in South Africa (pdf) or (ppt) or (video)
Chris Buckley, UKZN, South Africa

Working group 3 - Renewable energies and climate change
Working group update (pdf) or (ppt)
Eugene Dusingizumuremyi, MININFRA, Rwanda

Biogas sanitation systems: Case Rwanda (pdf) or (ppt)
Jean Claude Uwizeye, MININFRA, Rwanda

Working group 9 -  Sanitation as a business and public awareness and sanitation marketing
Working group update and "Working together to make sanitation a business" (pdf) or (ppt) or (video)
Jack Sim, WTO, Singapore

Getting everyone involved in sanitation (pdf) or (ppt) or (video)
Jack Sim, WTO, Singapore

Working group 10 - Operation and maintenance of sustainable sanitation
Working group update (pdf) or (ppt)
Christian Rieck, GIZ, Germany

Sustainable sanitation: the Drive to 2015 (pdf) or (ppt)
Nicole Kranz, UNSGAB, Germany/USA

SuSanA seminars at AfricaSan 3

SuSanA organised two seminars during AfricaSan 3:

There was a field trip to see sustainable sanitation systems near Kigali (for example UDDTs and biogas systems). This field trip was organised by the Local Organising Committee of AfricaSan 3. To see some photos taken during the field trip have a look at the Sustainable Sanitation gallery (and see map of the field trip location above under "Impressions of the meeting").

Website of AfricaSan 3 for further information about the event.


KIST (Kigali Institute of Science and Technology)  - Muhabura, Avenue Paul VI, Kigali, Rwanda. Further information:

View Kigali in a larger map

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