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14th SuSanA meeting, Stockholm

August 2011 | Sweden

The 14th meeting was hold in Stockholm, Sweden on 19-20 August 2011 (Friday afternoon and Saturday whole day) prior the Stockholm World Water Week 2011 (SWWW). The meeting was hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the SuSanA secretariat.

Impressions of the meeting

Minutes, evaluation and agenda of the meeting

Minutes of the meeting
Evaluation of the meeting
Agenda of the SuSanA meeting

Agenda WG 01: Capacity development
Agenda WG 05: Food security and productive sanitation
Agenda WG 06: Cities and planning


Note: PDF file size is smaller than PPT file size.

Friday, 19 August 2011 - Working group meetings

Working group 1 - capacity development

About SuSanA and the WG 01 on capacity and development (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, seecon, Switzerland and Enno Schroeder, GIZ, Germany

Update from Kigali of the WG 01 session (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, seecon, Switzerland

The new SuSanA Discussion Forum (pdf) or (ppt)
Enno Schroeder, GIZ, Germany

Sustainable Sanitation Knowledge Node in the Philippines (2008-2011) (pdf) or (ppt)
Dan Lapid, CAPS, Philippines

Capacity development strategies by the Uganda Sustainable Sanitation Knowledge Node (pdf) or (ppt)
Cate Nimanya, NETWAS, Uganda

Update on the international centre for water management services (CEWAS) (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler and Johannes Heeb, CEWAS, Switzerland

Presentation of the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox (SSWM) (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, seecon, Switzerland

Workshop about future activities of WG 01 (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, seecon, Switzerland

Working group 5 - food security and productive sanitation

Intro to SuSanA and WG 05 on food security and productive sanitation (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI, Sweden

Recap from WG 05 meeting in Kigali (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI, Sweden

Future supply of phosphorus in agriculture & the need to maximise efficiency of use & reuse (pdf) or (ppt)
Arno Rosemarin, SEI, Sweden

WG 5 outputs and next steps (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI, Sweden

Total nutrient recovery (TNR) (pdf)
Howard Higgins, New Directions Foundation, UK

SuSan Design partnership: Urban Bio Value, Kampala, Uganda (pdf) or (ppt)
Karsten Gjefle, Sustainable Sanitation Design, Norway

Saturday, 20 August 2011 - Session 1 (Introduction and overview)

Introduction to the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (pdf) or (ppt)
Claudia Wendland, WECF, Germany

Recent work of SuSanA secretariat in collaboration with SuSanA partners (pdf) or (ppt)
Rahul Ingle, GIZ, Germany

Recap of SuSanA activities in connection to AfricaSan3 Kigali (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI, Sweden

Sustainable Sanitation: the Drive to 2015 (pdf) or (ppt)
Arne Panesar, GIZ, Germany

Saturday, 20 August 2011 - Session 2 (Working group meetings)

Working group 4 - sustainable sanitation systems, technology options, hygiene and health
Update from WG 04 - sustainable sanitation systems, technology options, hygiene and health (pdf) or (ppt)
Nelson Ekane, SEI, Sweden

Working group 6 - sustainable sanitation in cities
About WG 06 on sustainable sanitation in cities (pdf) or (ppt)
Rahul Ingle, GIZ, Germany

Presentation of the book: Sustainable sanitation for cities – a framework for action (pdf) or (ppt)
Arne Panesar, GIZ, Germany

Working group 7 - community, rural and school sustainable sanitation
About WG 07 on community, rural and school sustainable sanitation (pdf) or (ppt)
Claudia Wendland, WECF, Germany

Ecological sanitation stories from Uganda (pdf) or (ppt)
Cate Nimanya, NETWAS, Uganda

Menstruation Management - What are the needs? (pdf) or (ppt)
Madeleine Fodge, SEI, Sweden

Working group 8 - sustainable sanitation in emergency and reconstruction situations
WG 08 member experiences and suggestions (pdf) or (ppt)
Gert de Bruijne, WASTE, Netherlands

Working group 10 - operation and maintenance
About WG 10 on operation and maintenance and introduction to the CLARA project (pdf) or (ppt)
Günter Langergraber, BOKU, Austria

Saturday, 20 August 2011 - Session 3 (Joint plenary)

The Sanitation Ladder – Need for Revamp? (pdf) or (ppt)
Elisabeth Kvarnström, SEI, Sweden

Groundwater protection and WG 11 (pdf) or (ppt)
Vanessa Vaessen, BGR, Germany

Public awareness raising (pdf) or (ppt)
Johannes Rueck, GTO, Germany

Emergency sanitation in the Philippines (pdf) or (ppt)
Dan Lapid, CAPS, Philippines

Reporting back from WG 05 - food security and productive sanitation (pdf) or (ppt)
Linus Dagerskog, SEI, Sweden

Saturday, 20 August 2011 - Session 4 (Joint plenary)

Sustainable sanitation in cities (pdf) or (ppt)
Rahul Ingle, GIZ, Germany

ACCESSanitation - Accelerating City-to-City Exchange for Sustainable Sanitation (pdf) or (ppt)
Barbara Anton, ICLEI, Germany

Reporting back from WG 07 - community, rural and school sustainable sanitation (pdf) or (ppt)
Claudia Wendland, WECF, Germany

Ecological sanitation stories from Uganda (pdf) or (ppt)
Cate Nimanya, NETWAS, Uganda

Reporting back from WG 01 - capacity development (pdf) or (ppt)
Dorothee Spuhler, seecon, Switzerland

Nepal Node for Sustainable Sanitation – An Introduction (pdf) or (ppt)
Bhushan Tuladhar, UN-HABITAT, Nepal

Reporting back from WG 10 - operation and maintenance (pdf) or (ppt)
Günter Langergraber, BOKU, Austria

Reporting back from WG 03 - renewable energies and climate change (pdf) or (ppt)
Rahul Ingle, GIZ, Germany

Improving finan. & econ. costing to support programming & policy making in the sanitation sector - WG 02 (pdf) or (ppt)
Jonathan Parkinson, IWA, UK

German NGO WASH-Network - Bonn Conference 2011 (pdf) or (ppt)
Johannes Rueck, GTO, Germany

Saturday, 20 August 2011 - Session 5 (Joint plenary)

Sanitation and Water for All: A global framework for action (pdf) or (ppt)
Darren Saywell, IWA, UK

A Community of Practice for Sanitation and Hygiene (pdf) or (ppt)
Roland Schertenleib, EAWAG/SANDEC, Switzerland


SuSanA seminars at Stockholm World Water Week

SuSanA will be organising a Side event during Stockholm World Water Week and you are all welcome to participate in this.

» Website of the Stockholm World Water Week for further information.


Venue 1 (Fri): Working group sessions take place in the following locations:
Rooms 321, 248 and 106 at Kräftriket 2B and “Stallet” at Kräftriket 10

Venue 2 (Sat): Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Oriental languages department at Kräftriket 4, Roslagsvägen 101:4, close to the EcoSanRes offices at Kräftriket 7B, 106 91 Stockholm.

View Stockholm in a larger map



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