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16th SuSanA meeting, Stockholm

August 2012 | Sweden

The 16th meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden on 31 August 2012 and 1 September 2012, directly after the Stockholm World Water Week 2012 (SWWW). The meeting was hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the SuSanA secretariat (at GIZ, Germany).

Minutes, evaluation and agenda of the meeting

Final agenda for the 16th SuSanA meeting

Evaluation of the meeting

Minutes(to be reviewed by all participants of the 16th SuSanA meeting for accuracy, please report all errors or additional information that should be included, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

A discussion about the format and content of the meeting was held on our discussion forum here (further feedback is welcome).

The meeting took place at Stockholm International Fairs on 31 August from 14:00 to 18:00. On 1 September from 8:30 to 16:30 the meeting was held at SEI on the Stockholm University campus.


Friday, 31 August 2012

All videos of Day 1 are available below:

Arno Rosemarin (SEI, Sweden): The success story of SuSanA: Looking back over the past 5 years (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link

Darren Saywell (Plan International, USA): Post-2015 MDG monitoring: Indicators and targets for sanitation, links to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • JMP process on global post-2015 monitoring:Identifying targets & indicators for Post-2015 monitoring, in the context of a plausible global goal (PDF) or Video Link
  • WASH Sector Monitoring: Where will the future take us? (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link
  • Consultation on Draft Long List of Goal, Target and Indicator Options for Future Global Monitoring of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation (PDF)
  • Feedback is invited via the JMP on-line web platform JMP requests comments by 20 September 2012

Miriam Otoo (IWMI, Sri Lanka): 2012 World Water Prize winner IWMI presents "Why reuse is important" (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link

Tommy Ngai (CAWST, Canada): Global review and cataloguing of capacity building organizations in water and sanitation for developing countries (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link

Sustainable sanitation at the World Water Week: Feedback from sessions involving SuSanA partners at the Stockholm World Water Week: Arno Rosemarin (SEI, Sweden), Robert Gensch (GTO, Germany), Linus Dagerskog (SEI, Sweden), Nick Tandi (Cap-Net, South Africa) or (PDF from Cap-Net) or (PPT from Cap-Net) or Video Link

Katsuyoshi Sudo (JICA, Japan): Updates from JICA's rural sanitation project in Senegal (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link

Carlo Simonetti (ACRA, Senegal): Sludge management, latrine building and community participation: a critical evaluation of ACRA's Experience in Casamance, Senegal (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link

Naomi Carrard (UTS, Australia): Making the Case for a Yellow Economy: Costing a urine diversion system for Can Tho City in southern Vietnam (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link

Asa Angelino (Peepoople, Sweden): Peepoo toilets in emergencies - Case studies from floods from Sindh, Pakistan and Kisumu, Kenya (PDF) or (PPT) or Video Link

Nick Tandi (Cap-Net) Wrap-up and concluding remarks on the SuSanA Friday afternoon meeting session: Video Link


Saturday, 1 September 2012

Elisabeth von Münch (GIZ, Germany): Outputs from SuSanA in the last 12 months (PDF) or (PPT)

Short working group meetings

Working Group 1 (capacity development) - read discussion points here
Working Group 5 (productive sanitation) - read discussion points here
Working Group 7 (school, rural, community, gender) - read discussion points here

Stream A: Topics around technology and reuse

Heinz-Peter Mang (CNSS, China): Ecosan activities in China and the up-coming technology transfer activities from CSES-USTB for urban sanitation with support of the BMGF to Burkina Faso and Senegal (PDF) or (PPT)

Vishwanath Srikantaiah (Biome Environmental Solutions, India): Sludge/septage management in Bangalore: honeysuckers sanitation solution from the informal sector (PDF) or (PPT)

David Crosweller (WTN, UK): Ecological Sanitation (ecosan) in India – Wherever the Need’s experience (PDF) or (PPT) or (Additional Information)

Hadi Soroosh (HKR, Sweden): Considering human urine as source of nutrients for microalgae biodiesel production (PDF) or (PPT)

Moussa Bonzi (INERA / CREAF, Burkina Faso): Agronomic R&D on the use of urine and faeces in Burkina Faso – what have we learnt after 8 years? (PDF) or (PPT)

James Gao (CWA, China): Reflection and resources – future of sanitation in China (PDF) or (PPT)

Nelson Ekane (SEI, Sweden): Contradictions between Sanitation and Hygiene Policy and Practice: A Comparative Study of Productive and Conventional On-site Sanitation in Rwanda (PDF) or (PPT)

Additional presentation which was not presented but was in the final agenda:

Darren Saywell (Plan International, USA): Testing modified CLTS for a scalability project for rural sanitation efforts in Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana by improving the cost-effectiveness and scalability of the CLTS approach (PDF) or (PPT)

Stream B: Topics around institutional and capacity building issues

Lilia Casanova (CAPS, Philippines): Guidelines to implement Ecosan in an Emergency (PDF) or (PPT)

Alison Parker (Cranfield Water Science Institute, UK): WASHTech: Using a Technology Assessment Framework for Sustainable Sanitation Technologies (PDF) or (PPT)

Chibesa Pensulo (SIWI, Sweden) and Marianne Kjellen (UNDP / SEI, Sweden): Review of Sanitation System Interactions with Menstrual Hygiene Practices (PDF) or (PPT)

Dorothee Spuhler (seecon, Switzerland): Update on SSWM: Recent training activities and new modules (PDF) or (PPT)

Eduardo Quiroz (ADESBVI, Bolivia) with translation support from Kim Andersson (SEI, Sweden): Institutional partnerships for the development of a National Ecological dry toilets programme (PDF) or (PPT)

Valerie Naidoo (WRC, South Africa): Sustainable Sanitation Research in South Africa (PDF) or (PPT)

Output of group work session:
Group 1: Me, my organisation and SuSanA (moderated by Thilo Panzerbieter, GTO, Germany)
Group 2: Where should SuSanA be post-2015? (moderated by Elisabeth von Muench, GIZ, Germany)
A write-up of the results from these two groups will soon be available (including a video).
A photo of the results of Group 1 gives a good first impression, see here.
A photo of the results of Group 2 gives a good first impression, see here.

Photos from Day 2 of the meeting are available here.

Field trip by SWWW on 31 August, 14:00-18:00

A field trip was offered to SuSanA members: "Linking Food Production and Sanitation - Reuse of Blackwater in Practice". It ran in parallel to Day 1 of the SuSanA meeting.

The study tour focussed on the linkage between agriculture and the sanitation systems in Sweden, demonstrated by a new project that has been developed in close cooperation between the municipality of Södertälje, local farmers and farming organizations. The research in sustainable sanitation and reuse of wastewater to agriculture has an established history in Sweden but has not yet managed to scale up systems on a municipal level. In order to close the loop on sanitation, wastewater has to be seen as a resource. This process needs actors from many different sectors to cooperate and stakeholders from agriculture have to be involved from the beginning. This visit gave the participants an opportunity to meet experts and researchers and also discuss the case of black water reuse with farmers and politicians.

Photos from the field trip are available here.

More details about the field trip are provided here.
To see a presentation with more information about this blackwater reuse system, click here.

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