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19th SuSanA meeting, Dakar

May 2015 | Senegal

The 19th meeting was held in Dakar, Senegal on 22 and 23 May 2015 in the run-up to the 4th AfricaSan Conference. The meeting was hosted by the Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Ch. A. Diop (IFAN) from the Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar together with the SuSanA secretariat.

La version française est disponible ici

The 19th SuSanA meeting took place on 22 and 23 May 2015 in Dakar, Senegal and was bilingual, French-English.


Musée de l’Institut Fondamental
d’Afrique Noire Cheikh Anta Diop (IFAN)
Avenue Nelson Mandéla
near Place Soweto
Dakar, Sénégal


22 May 2015:
Welcome reception in the afternoon with an open exhibition
23 May 2015:
Full day plenary sessions

Impressions (click to enlarge)

Open exhibition, 22 May

Open Exhibition, 22 May

Tea Break

SuSanA Booth at the AfricaSan 4,
25 May

Click here for more photos

Minutes, evaluation and agenda of the meeting

Final Agenda of the 19th SuSanA meeting

Meeting minutes

Evaluation of the meeting

Aims of the 19th SuSanA meeting:

The aim and goals of the 19th SuSanA were to:

  1. Have a bilingual French-English knowledge exchange between practitioners active in Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. Strengthen the sanitation knowledge management between French and English speaking African regions
  3. Provide an opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to pre-discuss some of the AfricaSan 4 conference themes.


Session 1: Introduction and overview about recent developments (09:00 to 10:30) Chairs: Arne Panesar (GIZ)

*Overview of SuSanA: Trevor Surridge, GIZ

*Achieving Sanitation Goals and targets in Africa: Findings of the 2014 African Water and Sanitation Sector Report: Highlights of country progress: Anselme Vodounhessi, Advisor Water and Sanitation African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Session 2: Financing and Business (10:30 to 11:15) Chairs: Giovanni Dusabe (PSI)

*Upfront Financing of Household Toilets: Diane M. Kellogg, Bentley University

*Learning Paper Highlights: Financing Sanitation for Cities and Towns: Fungai Makoni, WASH Sector Leader, SNV

Session 3: Productive Sanitation working at scale (11:30 to 12:15) Chairs: Linus Dagerskog (SEI)

*Productive Sanitation: From waste disposal to safe resource recovery: Linus Dagerskog, Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute

*Etat des lieux et perspective de l’approche EcoSan/Approche Assainissement en Milieu Rural au Niger: Hamadou Kailou, Ingénieur Génie Sanitaire et Environnement Direction Générale de l’Assainissement /Ministère de l’Hydraulique et Assainissement

*EcoSan Burkina Faso: Scale Way Forward: Karim Savadogo, Senior WASH Consultant, Manager of CEFAME

Session 4: FSM learning session (13:30 to 15:00) Chairs: Seydou Niang (IFAN)

*Introduction d'une technologie d'assainissement innovante dans les zones inondees et inondables de Pikine et Guédiawaye: Enjeux et defis: Mbaye Babacar Diagne, Public Health Engineer, Oxfam

*User needs for tools and previous toolkit initiatives: Asian institute of Technology

*Programme de structuration du marchè des boues de vidange au bénéfice des ménages démunies des villes de Pikine et Guédiawaye: République du Sénégal Ministère de l’Hydraulique et de l’Assainissement, Office National de l’Assainissement du Sénégal

*Gestion des deposantes des boues de vidange a Dakar: Bécaye Sidy Diop, DELVIC Sanitation Initiatives

Session 5: Working group meetings (15:15 to 16:45)

*Introduction to SuSanA working groups: Trevor Surridge, GIZ

Session 6: Way forward and wrap-up (16:45 to 17:30) Chairs: Arne Panesar (GIZ)

*AFWA: The biggest knowledge management platform in the water and sanitation sector in Africa: Simeon Kenfack, Director of Programmes, Coordinator of WOP Africa Programme African Water Association (AfWA)


Trevor Surridge's presentation of SuSanA and Magdeleine Fogde's views on the meeting
(recorded during a webinar held on 18 June)

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