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24th SuSanA meeting, Stockholm

August 2017 | Sweden

The 24th SuSanA meeting took place in Stockholm, Sweden on Saturday 26 August 2017 prior to the Stockholm World Water Week. It was organised by the SuSanA Secretariat together with SEI.


The 24th SuSanA meeting was held on 26 August 2017 (Saturday, full day) at the SEI headquarter in Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Linnégatan 87D, 115 23 Stockholm, Sweden

SuSanA had an exhibition booth displaying information about sustainable sanitation and serving as a meeting point for SuSanA members and partners. SFD Promotion Initiative was also present at the Stockholm World Water Week and was able to have an exchange at the SuSanA booth. Download the schedule here.
A live stream of the meeting was enabled for the members of the SuSanA community for virtual participation.



Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the SuSanA secretariat held by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


26 August 2017 (24th SuSanA meeting, full day):

Morning Session:


Session 1: Introduction and overview on recent developments (Agenda 2030 and SDGs)
Welcome by Arne Rosemarin (SEI) and Simon Okoth (SEI)
Introduction by Madeleine Fogde
Arne Panesar (GIZ/SuSanA): SuSanA's overview on 10 years and update
Jenny Karlsen (WSSCC): Pre-launch of Sanitation Calendar
Simon Okoth (SEI): SuSanA Knowledge Management Grant
Roland Schertenleib (formerly eawag) and Elisabeth Kvarnström: Global Launch of SuSanA's Vision 2030

Afternoon session ( Sessions 2 & 3):

Session 2: Scaling up Sanitation
Stella Warue & Ismail Shaiye (WSTF): Upscaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor (UBSUP) Kenya, Update UBSUP
Ivan Biiza (Water and Environment, MWE, Uganda) & Prit Salian (i-san Consulting): Uganda's lesson from town sanitation planning
Martin Gambrill (World Bank): Citywide Inclusive Sanitation
Peter Hawkins: SFDs (Excreta Flow Diagrams)
Phiri Nyonge (Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company Limited) & Trevor Surridge (GIZ): Integrating On-Site Sanitation in Sanitation service Provision in Lusaka, Zambia
Chaitali Chattopadhyay (WSSCC): Promoting Handwashing and Sanitation Behaviour Change in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Session 3: Water and Waste: Reduce and Reuse
Willy Alarcon and Astrid Michels (GIZ): Sanitation and Climate Change Discussion Paper
Pay Drechsel (CGIAR): Resource recovery and reuse
Claudia Wendland (WECF): Water and Sanitation Safety Plan in a Rural Community
Jay Bhagwan (WRC): Dealing with the madness - disrupting the sanitation value chain
Christian Zurbuegg (Eawag): Linking solid Waste Recycling to Sanitation
Erik Kärrman (Research Institute of Sweden): Resource-oriented sanitation

 Evening Session ( Sessions 4, 5 & 6):


Session 4: WASH in institutions and Gender
Jessica Brinton (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation): The intersection of Gender and Sanitation
Bella Monse (GIZ): Fit for School
Ulrike Pokorskki (GIZ): Sanitation for Millions
Ina Jurga (WASH United): Menstrual Hygiene Management

Session 5: SuSanA Regional Chapters
Introduction by Annkathrin Tempel and Shobana Srinivasan
Samir Bensaid (International Institute of Water and Sanitation of the National Office of Electricty and Water (ONEE-IEA): SuSanA MENA Chapter: Investing in Research for Appropriate Sanitation Systems
Mohammad Mustafa Jaber, Maisam Otoum and Omar Alshoshan (The Rural Family Society): SuSanA MENA Chapter: Youth Participation in the local environmental development in the eastern desert
Vishwanat Skrikantaiah (Biome Trust): SuSanA India Chapter (no presentation available)
Gustavo Heredia (Aguatuya): SuSanA Latin Chapter 

Session 6: Wrap-up & Outlook
Daniela Krahl (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ): Closing remarks
Jan-Willem Rosenboom (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation): Closing remarks 
Arne Panesar (SuSanA Secretariat) and Madeleine Fogde (SEI): Wrap-up & Outlook


24th SuSanA meeting Agenda


Pictures from the 24th SuSanA Meeting

Pictures from the SuSanA Meeting on 26th August are available in our flickr album here.


WG Meetings

Five Working Group meetings (WGs 1, 2, 8, 12 and joint meeting 7 & 10) were held prior to or after the SuSanA meeting and a SuSanA Mena Regional Chapter Partner meeting also took place during the World Water Week. Please follow the forum discussion for more updates.

Working Group 1 meeting minutes

Working Group 2 meeting

Events of Working Group 8 in Stockholm are available here

Information on the joint meeting of Working Group 7 & 10 are available here

Working Group 12 meeting minutes and World Water Week program can be found on the forum


Working Group Meetings during SWWW 2017

Date Working Group Time Venue
28.08.2017 WG 2: Opportunities for hands-on markets development 15:30 - 17:30  Freys Hotel
29.08.2017 WG 12: WASH and Nutrition 9:00 - 10:30  Hotel Elite Adlon
29.08.2017 WG 1: Capacity Development 10:30 - 12:30  Hotel Elite Adlon
30.08.2017 WG 8: WASH in Emergency settings 11:00 - 12:30  Scandic Klara
31.08.2017 WG 7 (WASH in Schools) & WG 10 (operation and maintenance: Joint meeting 16:00 - 18:00 Hotel Elite Adlon


SuSanA Events Flyer 


World Water Week & SuSanA

The 24th SuSanA meeting was held prior to the Stockholm World Water Week which took place from August 27th to September 1st in Stockholm. World Water Week has been a meeting place for scientists, policy makers, and private sector and civil society actors to network, exchange ideas and foster new thinking around the most pressing water-related challenges since 1991. In the context of the World Water Week in Stockholm, SuSanA was engaged in the following events: 

Sunday, August 27

09:00 - 10:30 : Event Title - Balancing competing interests and harnessing opportunities for better wastewater governance

14:00 - 15:30 : Event Title - Safely managed sanitation in small towns 1: Lessons from recent experiences

16:00 - 17:30 : Event Title - Safely managed sanitation in small towns 2: Key challenges under scrutiny

Monday, August 28

14:00 - 15:30 : Event Title - Unravelling the MagiCube: Kenya’s approach to up-scaling water and sanitation  

14:00 - 15:30 : Event Title - SDG-Synergies: Countries Link WASH and Nutrition to Reduce Malnutrition

16:00 - 17:30 : Event Title - Operationalizing citywide inclusive sanitation: Right tools? Right use?

Wednesday, August 30

09:00 - 10:30 : Event Title - Improving Emergency Wastewater Management: Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies

Thursday, August 31

09:00 - 10:30 : Event Title - Sanitation in Europe: From access to pollution reduction and reuse

11:00 - 12:30 : Event Title - WASHaholics Anonymous: The first step on the road to recovery

14:00 - 15:30 : Event Title - Don’t neglect maintainers: Don’t waste investments for WASH in schools (joint event by ILEPS (WASH+), GTO,  BORDA, NRC, F4S, GIZ and SuSanA) Summary Showcase 

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