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25th SuSanA meeting, Brasilia

March 2018 | Brasilia

The 25th SuSanA meeting took place in Brasilia, Brazil on 17th of March 2018 prior to the 8th World Water Forum. It was organised by the SuSanA Secretariat held by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and AGUATUYA (Bolivia).

Eight years after the last SuSanA meeting in Latin America (11th SuSanA meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) SuSanA invited all sanitation enthusiasts from Brazil, Latin America and beyond to join. The meeting followed-up on ideas to set up a SuSanA regional chapter in Latin America that had been presented at the 24th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm. live stream was arranged for SuSanA members who were unable to make it to Brasilia and wanted to participate virtually. It was broadcasted from 9:00 to 18:00 (UCT-3, Brasilia). The live stream was in the original language of the presentations. The recordings will be available in our YouTube channels on the upcoming weeks.



The SuSanA secretariat held by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and AGUATUYA (Bolivia)

Pictures from the 25th SuSanA Meeting

Pictures from the SuSanA Meeting on March 17th 2018 are available in our flickr album here.


The 25th SuSanA meeting agenda (FINAL AGENDA)

Session 1: Introduction and overview on recent developments
Welcome by Gustavo Heredia (AGUATUYA)
Introduction by Madeleine Fogde (SEI)
Opening remarks by Annette Windmeisser (BMZ)
Keynote speech by Léo Heller (UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to safe drinking water and sanitation)

Prit Salian (i-san consultants): Introduction to SuSanA
Simon Okoth (SEI): Taking SuSanA to the Next Level: Knowledge Management Grant

Session 2: Capacity building, research and networks
Filomena Kotaka (Funasa): Results of the Health and Sanitation Research Program of Funasa 2000 to 2017 / Resultados do Programa de Pesquisa em Saúde e Saneamento da Funasa 2000 a 2017
Alexandre Araujo Godeiro Carlos (Ministry of Cities): A experiência da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento Ambiental na capacitação de atores locais e regionais para elaborar os Planos Municipais de Saneamento Básico
Marco Antonio Almeida de Souza (UNB): As pesquisas em rede nacional sobre saneamento: a RENTED e o PROSAB
Laércio Ferracioli (UFES): Water Society: a Capacity Building Portal based on Citizen Science Perspective
Gustavo Heredia (AGUATUYA): Ideas for a SuSanA Latin America Chapter

Session 3: SuSanA and the 2030 Agenda
Cecilia Rodrigues (SuSanA Secretariat): Bringing SuSanA’s Vision 2030 to Latin America
Teresa Calderón (Unicef Bolivia): Link to Presentation Video
Rita Cavaleiro (AKUT/SKAT): Sustainable Development Goals
Gesmar Rosa dos Santos (IPEA): ODS 6 no Brasil: primeiros passos

Session 4: Governance and Finance
Umbrek Allakulov (WIN): Addressing integrity in the water and sanitation sector
Celia Bedoya (IADB): The path to implementing the Human Right to Water and Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Victor B. Valente (KfW): Sanitation in Rural Areas: SISAR Model – history and next challenges

Session 5: Technologies: Decentralized  systems and onsite sanitation
Maria Martinele (CAESB): Sistemas Condominiais
Selene Tripp Mercado and Stefan Reuter (BORDA): Integrated Decentralized WatSan Systems

Session 6: Latin America Chapter
World Café 1 - Discussion
World Café 2 - Wrap-up

Session 7: Wrap-up & Outlook
Closing remarks
Meeting wrap-up

SuSanA Vision Document now available in Spanish and Portuguese

We would like to announce that the updated version of the SuSanA Vision Document has been translated to Spanish and Portuguese. These are available on the SuSanA Library.

World Water Forum & SuSanA

The 25th SuSanA meeting was held prior to the World Water Forum which take place from March 18th to 23rd in Brasilia. Some sanitation-related sessions also took place during the forum.

8th World Water Forum - Sanitation sessions



Thematic Process

Side Events

Regional Process

Political Process

High  level panel

Monday 19

16:30 - 18:00



Room 6 [OS-RP-48]

Towards Improving Sanitation and Wastewater Management: Challenges and Good Practices in the Asia-Pacific Region



Tuesday 20

11:00 - 12:30





Room 34 [HLP 10] Increasing Financial Flows for Sanitation and wastewater management

14:30 - 16:00

Room 23 [OS-TP-16]

Session 2.b.1 - Realizing the human right to sanitation



Room 20 [PP-LRA-08]

Addressing the sanitation gap


16:30 - 18:00

Room 23 [OS-TP-17]

Session 2.b.2 - Whole sanitation approach, sanitation chain, innovation





Wednesday 21

11:00 - 12:30

Room 23 [OS-TP-18]

Session 2.b.3 - Putting in place the necessary building blocks to reach Sanitation for All





13:00 - 14:00


Room 3 [SE-06]

Sanitation services in small towns




14:30 - 16:00



Room 8 [OS-RP-19]

Integrated Sanitation for all - Whole sanitation approach, sanitation chain, innovation in MEDITERRANEAN and AFRICA



16:30 - 18:00



Room 6


Sanitation-wise cities: new approaches for optimal sanitation services

Room 8


Reaching the Urban Unserved: sanitation and water supply in slums and the water-related SDGs



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Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

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