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SuSanA News August 2018

SuSanA News   08 | 2018
SuSanA News, August 2018
Dear SuSanA Members and Partners,

Here comes the latest updates on what happened and will be coming up soon within the SuSanA network!

The 26th SuSanA meeting is coming up soon. For our global community to join remotely and participate in the discussions, we will also stream the meeting live. Just follow the SuSanA YouTube Channel - and do not forget to tweet your views using #26susana.

If you will visit Stockholm World Water Week we would be happy to meet you at the SuSanA exhibition booth (No. 44)!

We are also happy to see SuSanA co-convening multiple sessions covering topics such as JMP global baseline on WASH in schools, sanitation in small towns, the contribution of sanitation to the Paris Agreement, localising WASH Humanitarian Assistance, O&M as well as an SDG6 debating game.

Enjoy exploring and have a great week!

Arne, Doreen, Franziska, Shobana and Hajrah
from the SuSanA Secretariat
26th SuSanA meeting & Working Group meetings in Stockholm
The next SuSanA meeting will take place on Saturday, 25th August 2018, 9 am - 6 pm CEST - just prior to the Stockholm World Water Week 2018.

The sessions of the meeting will cover SDG 6 and its Synergies, City Wide Solutions & Sanitation Systems in cities, Financing Sanitation, Capacity Building & Sanitation and Integrity as well as report on progress of the SuSanA regional chapters and in-country activities under the BMGF grant.

Five of the thirteen Working Groups are meeting during the week - for more information click the link below.
SuSanA West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Chapter
We are happy to announce that the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) previously called the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Chapter has kicked-off and started its activities in May 2018.

We are excited to welcome the new team leading the chapter, Ms Lara Nassar – Regional SuSanA Coordinator and Manal Al Shraideh – Regional SuSanA Researcher.
The SuSanA WANA Chapter at Stockholm World Water Week 2018
Join us!
The WANA Chapter is active and ready to meet you the Stockholm World Water Week 2018. You can meet the team at our SuSanA booth (no.44) everyday at 11:30 am. Sunday, 26th August in the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Chapter at 11:30 am.

You can also contact the team via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Insight Series on “Climate Change and Sanitation”
SuSanA India Chapter
The SuSanA India Chapter will be participating in the next National Insight Series organised by India Sanitation Coalition, Taru and IRC on the topic, “Climate Change and Sanitation” on 23rd August, 2018 in FICCI, New Delhi.

Insights are a WASH Dialogue and Partnership Forum conceptualized as an open platform for engagement on contemporary issues in the WASH sector in India.
SFD Promotion Initiative
Project Updates
We are pleased to announce that the SFD Promotion Initiative (PI) has launched the new website with enhanced functionality and improved features to discover the world of SFDs.

Further, the SFD PI will be present at the Stockholm World Water Week 2018 at the SuSanA booth to showcase the new website and recent achievements, respond to queries and questions and introduce SFDs to curious newcomers.

Lastly, get informed on the latest SFD PI activities shared on the SuSanA Forum (Update No. 8)
Menstrual Hygiene - Report Webinar Series & Session at UNC
As Menstrual Hygiene (MH) has been continuously gaining visibility and importance, World Vision, WASH United, Simavi, and GIZ organized a five-part webinar series from May to July 2018.

The overall objective was to document and promote learning and connection between menstrual hygiene practitioners and interested professionals from different sectors, with the aim to refine and advance the global MH agenda.

The discussion will continue in the session “Menstrual Hygiene: Working toward minimum standards for quality programming” at the 2018 Water and Health Conference at UNC/Chapel Hill.
Global overview of sanitation projects
SuSanA Project Database
We are happy to see the SuSanA Project Database is continually growing! The database contains information on 470 worldwide sanitation-related projects implemented by many different partner organisations. These projects deal with research, implementation, advocacy, upscaling, capacity development and more.

Advanced filters help you to find exactly what you are looking for.
Get active as well!
SuSanA Partner profile pages
SuSanA partner organisations are given special rights for their own profile page, where they can edit and maintain information on their sanitation projects.

Shining examples of active partners include WECF – Women Engage for a Common Future, Aquaya Institute, PSI and CEPT. Overall, 81 out of our 335 partners have one project or more on their partner page.

We encourage all SuSanA partners to get active and upload information on your sanitation projects as well, support from the secretariat is always there for you via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Toilet Trade: How to Sell Sanitation Successfully and to Scale
Upcoming SuSanA Webinar
You are invited to join a SuSanA webinar on "How to Sell Sanitation Successfully and to Scale" on Wednesday 22nd August, 15:00 BST (London time).

During this webinar we will focus on selling toilets successfully, discussing: what to do and what not to do when building sanitation sales capability and how iDE, a market-based NGO, has used direct sales strategies to reach accelerated scale.
SuSanA’s Working Groups Update
New leads in WG 3, 7 and 8
We are happy to introduce 3 new Co-leads for the SuSanA Working Groups. Welcome to the SuSanA team! We are looking forward to your contributions.

WG3 - Renewable energies and climate change, Thorsten Reckerzügl (BORDA).

WG7 - Sustainable WASH in Institutions and Gender Equality (Leave No One Behind – in communities, schools and other institutions), Bella Monse (GIZ).

WG8 - Emergency & reconstruction situations, Dan Campbell (USAID).
New in the Library!
SuSanA welcomes new partners!
We are happy to see SuSanA grow! Since the last News Mail, 7 more partners joined our community, summing up to 335 partners overall.
Our Curated List of Forum Threads
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If you are not a SuSanA member and want to unsubscribe the mailing list, please click here.
The secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance is located at:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
65760 Eschborn, Germany

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Our library has more than 3,000 publications, factsheets, presentations, drawings etc. from many different organisations. It continues to grow thanks to the contributions from our partners.

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The project database contains nearly 400 sanitation projects of many different organizations dealing with research, implementation, advocacy, capacity development etc. Advanced filtering functions and a global map are also available. Information on how and why this database was created is here.

People working for SuSanA partners can add their own projects through their partner profile page. You might need your SuSanA login upgraded for this purpose. Please contact us if you would like to add a project.

Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




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Integrated content

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