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newsmail march 2012

SuSanA News mail March 2012

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  Dear SuSanA members and partners,

This monthly e-mail informs you about the latest news from SuSanA and the SuSanA partners. For more frequent news updates please visit our facebook page: ( or check the SuSanA discussion forum ( This e-mail is sent to 2548 subscribers of the SuSanA mailing list and contains the following topics:
  1. Next SuSanA meeting at Africa Water Week in Egypt
  2. Rethinking sanitation through a sustainability perspective: SuSanA Seminar in Marrakech
  3. SuSanA welcomes 2 new working group leads
  4. Posters section improved: Posters can now be sorted according to technologies
  5. SuSanA publication: One new case studies
  6. New photo sets from Burundi, Kenya and Morocco added to sustainable sanitation flickr database
  7. Looking for a Job? Check out the SuSanA job section
  8. SuSanA is growing: We announce 5 new partners
  9. Monthly SuSanA discussion forum digest: What has been discussed?
  10. Sharing Knowledge: New additions to the SuSanA library


1. Next SuSanA meeting at Africa Water Week in Egypt

Plans are underway to organise the 15th SuSanA meeting alongside the 4th Africa Water Week (AWW) in Egypt. The  AWW conference is being organised by the AMCOW (African Ministers' Council on Water) from 14-18 May 2012 in the capital Cairo. The exact dates of the SuSanA meeting shall be conveyed at a later date, but it will most likely be just before or in parallel with AWW. We are looking for offers from local SuSanA partners who could help us organise this event as well as generate participation of the regional players in sanitation. Kindly contact the secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information on 4th Africa Water Week:

2.  Rethinking sanitation through a sustainability perspective: SuSanA Seminar in Marrakech

This SuSanA seminar took place at the 16th African Water Association’s (AfWA’s) Water and Sanitation Congress on 22 February 2012 in Marrakech, Morocco. It focused on the activities of SuSanA with a special focus on its working group 10 on Operation and maintenance. The seminar was convened by SuSanA, CLARA and GIZ and attended by around 50 participants. The seminar had some interesting presentations. Doulaye Kone from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spoke about the need to build a sanitation industry and thier initiative to promote innovations in the sanitation industry. This was followed by presentations from Günter Langergraber (BOKU university, Austria) on "CLARA - Capacity-Linked water and sanitation for Africa's peri-urban and Rural Areas" and Magalie Bassan (Eawag Sandec, Switzerland) on "Management issues of faecal sludge management". The videos of these presentations will be uploaded soon on the SuSanA website.

Presentations and pictures of the seminar are available  here:

3.  SuSanA working groups are growing and have 2 new working group leads

The SuSanA working groups are growing. Recently we reviewed the number of members in each working group and we found that the maximum number of members have enrolled in WG 7 - Community, rural and schools with gender and social aspects, WG 4 - Systems, technology, health and hygiene, and WG 9 - Sanitation as a business and public awareness with around 600 members each.
Also last month,  two new members joined the team of WG leads and therefore the SuSanA core group. Charles B. Niwagaba from the Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda and Leif Wolf from CSIRO, Australia have volunteered to lead the WG 4 - sanitation systems and WG 11 - Ground water protection, respectively.

Thank you for your commitment Charles and Leif and welcome to the core group!

4.  Poster section improved: Posters can now be sorted according to technologies

It is now possible to search the poster section in the SuSanA library according to the technology displayed on the posters. We decided to develop this function to make it easier for you to find the information you need

Please send us your posters to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

5.  SuSanA publications: One new case study

SuSanA has recently published the following one new case study. We would like to encourage members and partners to contribute more case studies on sustainable sanitation, whether they are success stories or failed projects with valuable lessons learnt. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.

Greywater treatment in an oasis town, Béni Abbès, Béchar, Algeria
Bracken, P. (2012). Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
The main objective of the sanitation activities of this IWRM project in the oasis town of Béni Abbès is to support the elaboration of an overall strategy for the future management of all wastewater, ensuring the collection and treatment of the generated wastewater within the oasis and to maximise its reuse potential. The greywater treatment and reuse systems used in the project were designed to collect, treat and reuse greywater coming from kitchen sinks and wash hand basins.


6.  New photo sets from Burundi, Kenya and Morocco added to sustainable sanitation flickr database

The sustainable sanitation flickr database  now has 7100 photos with the addition of new photo sets from Burundi, Kenya, Morocco and Zimbabwe which were added to this collection. Would you like to upload photos from your project to the sustainable sanitation collection? Send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

7.  Looking for a job? Check out the SuSanA job section

If you are looking for new career opportunities in the sanitation sector, you should visit the SuSanA jobs section. In this section we offer our SuSanA partners an opportunity to publish their job vacancies. The applicants can then directly get in touch with the concerned partner organisation.

If your organisation wants to advertise a job vacancy on the SuSanA website please send an email to the SuSanA secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

8.  SuSanA is growing: We announce 5 new partners

We would like to welcome the following 5 new partners who have recently joined SuSanA bringing the total number to 175.

Tamagawa Craft inc., Japan  is a private sector company which develops and produces sanitary portable toilets for developing countries.

Engicon, Jordan is a reputable multidisciplinary engineering house with projects in Jordan and the neighboring Middle East countries region. Engicon  tailors operational management, maintenance services and capacity building and training to each project’s unique requirements.

cewas, Switzerland aims at strengthening the implementation skills in the sector on an international level in a unique training programme combining advanced education and coaching.

NGO Forum for Public Health, Bangladesh is a national networking and service delivery organisation providing facilities and services in the areas of public health including water, sanitation, hygiene and the environment with a special focus on climate change.

Makerere University is Uganda's largest and oldest university. It was first established as a technical school in 1922 and it has approximately 40,000 students. Staff and students from the different colleges are often involved in inter-disciplinary research in the areas of sanitation technology including treatment systems, societal aspects including gender issues, social marketing, as well as financial and economic aspects of sustainable sanitation.

9.  Monthly SuSanA discussion forum digest: What has been discussed?

The SuSanA discussion forum is now 8 months old and it is growing fast. Please feel welcome to continue supporting the discussion forum with your contributions to the ongoing debates. These are some of the topics that have been discussed last month:

Subscribe to the email alerts for forum postings:

If you have forgotten your SuSanA login or password (you need a login and password to make postings but not for reading):

Direct contact person in case of technical problems or suggestions: Enno Schroeder (GIZ) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10.  Sharing knowledge: New additions to the SuSanA library

Since the last news mail, we have added another 89 documents to the SuSanA library bringing the total number to 1155 (see where the most recently uploaded documents are shown at the top of the list). We highlight the following seven publications to you:

Technology review of UDDTs - Design principles, urine and faeces management, costs, maintenance
Rieck, C., von Muench.E., GIZ, Germany
This technology review – which is part of GIZ’s series of technology reviews on sustainable sanitation technologies – deals with urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) and has recently been updated and restructured. It is putting the focus on general design aspects for double vault UDDTs, specific settings, costs, operation and maintenance and practical experiences. The UDDT is portrayed as a valid sanitation alternative for rural and urban areas in cases when other conventional systems (sewer systems or pit latrines) are not suitable. The authors are welcoming feedback, input and contributions to this publication for the final revision and printing until the end of March 2012.

Download UDDT technology review:
Link to all five GIZ technology reviews :

Getting Africa to meet the sanitation MDG: Lessons from Rwanda
Jain, N. (2011). World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA.
This Case Study highlights interrelated drivers including cultural factors, the post-genocide reconstruction process, progress in related sectors, and specific sector initiatives.


A glimpse into community and institutional biogas plants in Nepal
Forte, J. (2011)
This report focusses on the following research components which were undertaken: a) an overview of biogas technology research; b) an overview of community and institutional biogas plants; c) a detailed survey and analysis of case studies; and d) an evaluation and conclusions.


Experiences from rural Benin: Sanitation marketing at scale
Scott, B., Jenkins, M., Kpinsoton, G. (2011). World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), USA.
This field note presents the Benin story and its development of a successful national sanitation marketing program adapted to the rural African context. It provides valuable learning, lessons and innovations for other African countries seeking to develop rural sanitation marketing programs that stimulate household demand at scale and harness the potential and capacity of the local informal private sector market to supply products that respond to consumer needs.

An innovative greywater treatment system for urban areas - International transferability of a German approach, installed in GIZ's headquaters in Eschborn.
Löw, K. (2011), Master Thesis, Nürtingen-Geislingen University, Germany
In its German headquarters in Eschborn, GIZ installed a greywater treatment system within the research project SANIRESCH. It is based on membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology designed by HUBER SE. Within this work the international transferability of this technology was investigated. Using environmental aspects based on water scarcity as an indicator criterion, 32 countries were assessed. Due to water shortage, poor water quality, high population density and high urbanisation rate, the MENA region was identified as a hotspot.


Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 10: 10 years of ecosan club
Ecosan Club (ed.) (2012). EcoSan Club, Austria.
The issue comprises 3 articles which
1. tell the story behind EcoSan Club,
2. revisit implementation projects that EcoSan Club has been carried out during the last decade, and
3. summarize awareness raising activities of EcoSan Club.

Harnessing the wisdom of crowds: Open discussion forum helps to answer sanitation related questions
Von Münch, E., Rieck, C. (2011).  Appropriate Technology, Volume 38, No. 4, p. 24-26.
The secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) set up a new discussion forum and launched it in July 2011: The forum is open as opposed to some existing closed forums which require a login even just for reading or are only e-mail based.




You can find more information on events and news on the SuSanA website: We invite you to send us information on events and news items for publication on the SuSanA website. To provide comments and questions, please e-mail us or use our discussion forum (

Kind regards from Eschborn (Germany),
Rahul, Enno, Elisabeth and Christian

Rahul Ingle, Enno Schroeder, Elisabeth von Muench and Christian Rieck
on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(For IT reasons, GIZ staff members need to use this address instead: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Skype: susana.secretariat
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Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

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Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

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