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newsmail march 2011

SuSanA News mail March 2011

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  Dear SuSanA members and partners,

This monthly e-mail informs you about the latest news from SuSanA and the SuSanA partners. For more frequent news updates and for an opportunity to write comments, please visit our facebook page: ( This e-mail is sent to 1783 subscribers of the SuSanA mailing list and contains the following topics:
1.   Next SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda (17-18 July 2011)
2.   Travel sponsorship available for attending SuSanA meeting
3.   New SuSanA publications
4.   Sustainable Sanitation: The Five-Year-Drive to 2015
5.   SuSanA website tip of the month
6.   Change in SuSanA working groups
7.   New SuSanA page on funding opportunities
8.   GIZ publication: Technology review of constructed wetlands
9.   New technical drawings on toilet design
10. New SuSanA partners




1. Next SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda (17-18 July 2011)

The 13th SuSanA meeting will take place on 17-18 July 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda alongside the AfricaSan 3. The Government of Rwanda is hosting the AfricaSan3 conference, which is being organised by the AMCOW Sanitation Task Force, from 19-21 July 2011 in the capital Kigali. The SuSanA meeting will be co-hosted by UNICEF Rwanda and the SuSanA secretariat.

Latest updated information on SuSanA meeting:

2. Travel sponsorship available for attending SuSanA meeting

A limited number of travel sponsorships to attend the SuSanA meeting are available from the SuSanA secretariat, (sponsored by GIZ Germany on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)). Interested applicants should email the filled-in application form and cost estimate Excel spreadsheet along with their CVs to the SuSanA secretariat at  Successful applicants will be required to write a short SuSanA case study (see: on a project in an African country which they are familiar with. The application deadline is 30 April 2011, however we encourage you to apply at the earliest possible date as the applications will be reviewed as soon as they are being received.

Information on eligibility criteria and application material:

3. New SuSanA publications

A. Book publication: Sustainable sanitation in cities: a framework for action
This book was prepared by partners of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) within SuSanA working group 6 - cities and planning (see: and addresses sanitation as a key element of the urban metabolism. It gives an initial overview of the current state of urban sanitation, followed by a discussion of the new role of sustainable sanitation systems in future eco-cities. Planning innovations for urban sanitation, lessons learned and current challenges are addressed. Context specific challenges and opportunities are illustrated in a variety of urban settings, from non-tenured low-income settlements (slums) to middle- and high-income inner-city areas, to stimulate action on the ground.


B. Factsheet of SuSanA WG 7a Community, rural and schools
The SuSanA case study collection now has 57 case studies on sustainable sanitation from the world over in English, Spanish, Portuguese and German languages.

Germany: Ecological settlement in Allermöhe Hamburg (en/ger)
Chad: Household pit latrines with urine diversion in the Farchana refugee camp in eastern (en)
Argentina: Sistema de reutilizacion de orina humana Esperanza (sp)
Mexico: Sanitarios secos con separacion de orina en una area rural (sp)
Peru: Reuso de efluentes de un sistema de humedales artificiales, Trujillo (sp)
Peru: Sistemas de reuso de aguas negras e cinzas Chorrillos, Lima (sp)
Peru: Sistema de reutilizacion de aguas negras y grises en Chorrillos, Lima (Po)

4. Sustainable Sanitation: The Five-Year-Drive to 2015

On December 20, 2010 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution establishing a global effort to realise “Sustainable Sanitation: The Five-Year-Drive to 2015”. The Resolution (A/RES/65/153) calls upon the UN member states to “redouble efforts to close the sanitation gap”. This can be achieved by scaling-up ground-level activities, community participation and the further mobilisation of financial and technological resources, complimented by better political prioritisation of sanitation. The resolution calls for an end to open defecation as an extremely harmful practice for public health. It also encourages behaviour change and highlights the need to also consider all aspects of sanitation, including sewerage and wastewater treatment and reuse.

5. SuSanA website tip of the month

Did you know that you can now access newsletters from SuSanA partner organisations on sustainable sanitation from the SuSanA website? For example, you can access the March edition of GIZ ecosan newsletter in the newsletter section (see: We have presently links to newsletters from GIZ Sustainable Sanitation – ecosan program, Waste, WTO, and ENPHO. If you like to share your newsletter on sustainable sanitation, please contact the SuSanA secretariat at

Direct access to Ecosan newsletter (March):

6. Change in SuSanA working groups

As the topics gathered in the former working group 03 (Renewable energy, climate change, ground water) are all very important and should receive adequate attention, the working group leads together with the SuSanA secretariat decided to split the working group in two groups. The new working groups  are now:

- WG03 Renewable Energies and Climate Change (led by Rahul Ingle, GIZ) and
- WG11 Groundwater Protection (led by Andrea Nick & Kerstin Krüger, BGR)

All existing members will automatically be a part of WG03 Renewable Energies and Climate Change. The members do not have to change anything if they wish to be a part of this working group.
However, to join and get active in WG11 Groundwater Protection, members need to update their profile and list of working groups by logging in at and ticking the box of the new WG11. We request the members to kindly do the required changes until Friday, March 25th. In case you have forgotten your login details you will find links to retrieve it in the above mentioned link.

7. New SuSanA page on funding opportunities

In our effort to bring the funding organisations closer to the organisations seeking funding, we have now introduced a new section where you can find announcements for funding opportunities available from various funding organisations around the world. SuSanA itself has no funds to support projects and is merely an information provider for these announcements. For more information on any of the specific announcements, kindly contact the organisations directly.

New funding section on SuSanA:

8. GIZ publication: Technology review of constructed wetlands

This booklet published by GIZ focuses on treating domestic wastewater or greywater with subsurface flow constructed wetlands (CWs) with coarse sand as a filter medium. The emphasis is on the application in developing countries and countries in transition. In the publication, an overview and basic guidance are provided on the design and maintenance of horizontal flow beds (HFBs), vertical flow beds (VFBs) and the “French System”. A description of the most common pre-treatment systems is also included due to their vital importance for the proper functioning of CWs.


9. New technical drawings on toilet design

A set of new technical drawings on toilet design/construction provided by the Ecosan club, Austria on the below mentioned projects has been uploaded on the SuSanA website,. If you have drawings from your projects to share, please send them to the secretariat at
  • Crater View Secondary School, Nakuru, Kenya
  • St. Joseph Hospital, Kitgum, Uganda
  • Migyera Health Center, Migyera, Uganda
  • Infirmary Hospital, Balit, Philippines

10. New SuSanA partners

We warmly welcome the following new SuSanA partners.

No. 137: DORP  is a Bangladeshi NGO which is working in the field of development in rural Bangladesh since 1990.

No. 138: Vrutti Livelihoods Resource Centre from Bangalore, India is a livelihood centre and focuses on inclusive growth and reduction of poverty in India and South Asia.

No. 139: Padma Research and Development Organization from Khulna, Bangladesh provides technical and consultation support to community based local organisations for participatory and sustainable management system for water and sanitation.

No. 140: arche noVa - initiative for people is a German NGO which is working primarily in the field of humanitarian aid, development cooperation and education since 1992.

No. 141: AOSED - An Organization for Socio-Economic Development is a local NGO in Bangladesh established in 1999 for conserving the environment, ecology and biodiversity and for ensuring people's right of access to natural resource towards alleviation of poverty.

You can find more information on events and news on the SuSanA website: We invite you to send us information on events and news items for publication on the SuSanA website or  for this monthly news e-mail. To provide comments and questions, you can e-mail us or use our facebook page (

Kind regards from a sunny Eschborn (Germany),
Elisabeth, Philipp and Rahul

Elisabeth von Muench, Philipp Feiereisen and Rahul Ingle
on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
Skype: susana.secretariat
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Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




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